Get past your Glory Stories… Create New Stories

In Uncategorized by Joseph Anderson2 Comments

We’ve all been at that party when a 45 year old man starts talking about the highlight of his life,

The state championship game that he played in almost 30 years ago. He was the star quarterback.  You have heard him tell the story so many times of how with only 3 seconds left on the clock down by 5 points he dodges 20 players on the defense and scores the game winning touchdown!

There is nothing wrong with remembering our successes of the past, but when we begin to live there it does us a disservice because it makes us feel comfortable again and when we are comfortable often times we do not doing anything to create new stories and new adventures in our lives.

How many people are really listening to this story. Generally only one person and that is the person that is telling the story.  We tell our glory stories so that we can relive that moment when we felt our life was going awesome and to relive those same emotions, and sometimes even when we want to make ourselves look good in front of other people.

Another reason we do it is because we do not feel that our life has progressed to a certain level and so we go back to the time in our life that we thought we were on top of the mountain.

It’s okay to remember the great experiences of the past, but NOW it’s time to create new ones. No one cares what you did 30 years ago. What are you doing now? What are you doing in your life that is worth sharing? What adventures are you embarking on? What are you working hard towards?

What if you could take the great lessons that you learned through your great past experiences and used them to propel you forward?

How can you benefit from your past stories. How can you use the principles and lessons in them to create new stories?

There were certain actions that you were taking at that time in your life that made you successful.

If you have been successful at a sport for example remember its taken years of practice, hard work, dedication, confidence, and most importantly just showing up every day. You may have even woke up at 5 am for practices.

What if you took all that made you successful in that one area in the new project that’s exciting you right now?

I recently heard that Tom Brady, the star quarterback for the New England Patriots leaves his home at 6 am and doesn’t return til after 6 PM (on non game days). Can you imagine if you put in that kind of dedication to the project that you are striving to create in your life?

What is the most successful time of your life?  What were you doing during that time to make it successful?

There is a good chance that it had to do with these principles Patience, discipline, work ethic, faith, and confidence

How can you take these same principles that made you successful in your glory days and create success in your life today?

Now GO and Do it!

And if you are currently just coasting along in life and would like to discover your next big thing, contact me and lets have a chat!

So stop obsessing over your own high school football championship like experiences and use these helpful steps in order to create new stories of Glory and the life that you really want.

Remember You’re okay, start doing what’s possible in Your life and you will create miracles!


  1. Absolutely fasinating article, it is true! The problem that we keep talking only about our past glory maybe cos as you ve mentioned we be nothing new to talk about or to tell, so….we need really to look for new things, skills, talents… thanks for publishing such articles:)

    1. Author

      Thank You Hanen! i currently have almost 30 other articles written on here, take a look at them and let me know what you think!

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