bring me to life, the light within you

Bring Me To Life

In Uncategorized by Joseph AndersonLeave a Comment

There is a song called “Bring Me to Life” by the Band Evanescence. Throughout the song there is a girl pleading to have someone bring her to life.

Are we really any different? Doesn’t every one of us want someone that brings us to life – help us to come alive, be happy and live our best life?

As a success coach, on almost a daily basis I have the privilege to help bring others to life. When I first begin working with a client often times they are anxious, quiet and frustrated and there isn’t that much light or excitement in their eyes. However, after working with them even some in just the first coaching session, they begin to wake up to their light and who they really are. Once they are awakened, the real magic begins and they begin to create miracles.

However, Guess what? Every single day you ALSO have the opportunity to help answer others pleas to “Bring them to life” Maybe you have noticed especially these days how everyone is just trying to escape their life for a few seconds of peace. You may see the business professional walking down the street looking down at their cell phone with their ear buds in their ears to block out all the challenges of the world.  They are attempting in that brief moment walking from one challenge to another to escape for a few moments from all the challenges they are facing.


 “If you treat people like they are dealing with a massive challenge you will be right 50% of the time.”

– Henry B. Eyring


So when everyone is walking around with challenges, what can we do? How can we bring them to life?

It doesn’t have to be something huge – It is simply this, BE INTERESTED -Just Listen


Sometimes by simply giving a smile or showing interest in someone, you can be a huge answer to prayers. Also I have found the times that I have just stopped talking and listened to someone, it can be exactly what they needed.

Unless you have had just a perfect life, you probably believe that life hasn’t gone exactly as you had expected when you were younger. Remember, that all those other people around you probably feel the same way, we all go through hardships, trials and challenges. In those moments when another is struggling, be a little kinder. Remind them of the great things that they have accomplished in life and also of how much more of life they still have yet to go and as a friend of mine often says, “Everything works out in the end, if its not all right then its not the end.”

Also, in those dark and challenging moment ask them the simple question, “What do you love to do?” And then listen as they talk about it. Then, ask them how they feel when they do that activity? And then tell them quite simply, take a few hours and go do that!

If they do it, when they come back you will see a different light in them.


“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. 

– George Bernard Shaw

Remember that play and doing what we love is what brings us to life and come alive. And if you haven’t played in a while… Go Play.. Go have fun! Life is meant to enjoy! And in the process bring others to life!

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