What Happened to the American Dream?

What Happened to the American Dream?

In Uncategorized by Joseph AndersonLeave a Comment

When our founding fathers came here to the Americas it was to experience freedom. This included religious freedom, social freedom, political freedom, and other freedoms. America was the place were people from all over the world could come to get away from everyone telling them what they could and couldn’t do. It was this freedom that allowed many of the greatest creative minds to develop some of our most useful inventions, and propel society forward. They were able to experience a creative freedom that was unheard of elsewhere. Where is that creative freedom today?

Many people are so naturally talented and gifted in different areas. If they gave themselves the chance to create, they would greatly impress people. However, they have stifled their juices of creativity. They chose a career that didn’t demand much out of them. They preferred stability as opposed to working hard , and being creative. They chose a life of comfort and ease as oppose to a life of making a difference and being paid well for it. Being comfortable is the quick sand of success.

There are far too many people out there working jobs that they hate for much less money than they could be making if they really applied themselves. Some would use the argument that it is much harder to create your own life, business or anything else of importance. I would agree that it can be more challenging to create your own life. It will require more discipline, creative thinking and taking action. However, the opposite of that is waking up in 30 years realizing that you lived some one else’s life. Do you really want to wake up in 30 years and wonder “What if I would have gone after what I loved to do? What if I would have written that book? What if I would have started my own business?

Jim Rohn, has an amazing quote “There are two types of pain you will go through in this life, the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.”

Regret weighs tons. If you get to the end of your life and took the easy route, and realized you could have been so much more, how will you feel?

If you had the ability to see your literal potential, it would blow your mind. Often times we don’t see our potential until we discover it or until it is pointed out to us. If you haven’t yet had anyone tell you that you have potential, I am telling you right now: You have more potential in you than you would ever begin to imagine. You have more energy in your body than you would ever imagine. You have the power to be creative. You are a very gifted individual. There are things that you can do better than everybody else. You have the power within you to create incredible things. You are the god of your own world. Everything that is currently around you was created by you, and everything that you create in the future will be created by you.


“I bargained with Life for a penny,

And Life would pay no more,

However I begged at evening

When I counted my scanty store.


For Life is a just employer,

He gives you what you ask,

But once you have set the wages,

Why, you must bear the task.


I worked for a menial’s hire,

Only to learn, dismayed,

That any wage I had asked of Life,

Life would have willingly paid.”

-Jessie B. Rittenhouse


Many get to the end of their lives before they figure out that life would have given them whatever they had asked for. Don’t wait to arrive at the end of your life and have the pain of regret, knowing that you could have been so much more. As I said above, you truly are the god of Your own world and you can design your life however you want to design it. If you haven’t already, begin now to design, create and live the life that you desire.

The Real American Dream is the process of creation. It is still alive. Many people out there are creating the businesses and lives that they desire. Look around and find those people that have taken that leap of faith and landed safely. There are people that are living at the highest level of life. You can use them as examples of what is possible for you to accomplish. If you have great ideas, but don’t know where to get started contact me for a free consultation and we will get you on the right track to creating your American Dream.

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