How To Do Things You Think Are Hard?

In Uncategorized by Joseph AndersonLeave a Comment

Have you ever had a task that you felt was going to take forever or you just really didn’t want to do it? You may have even found yourself doing all kinds of other things that only mildly interested you, catching up the news, watching a sports team that you don’t care about, or even watching a bottom of the barrel Netflix show that you didn’t want to watch when it was on tv twenty years ago but now it even seems more fun than your daunting task.

How do we get ourselves to do the thing that we need to do, but part of us thinks its going to be really hard?

Often times when I am with my nieces and nephews, I learn valuable lessons.

I was attempting to get them to clean and they like most children were either attempting to avoid it, not wanting to, or just putting one small toy in the box at a time– as slow as they possibly could. I said, “You do realize that the faster you get this done, the sooner that you can go back to playing?

However, even my somewhat logical explanation didn’t work for them. They would put far more energy into literally running away from me and even in circles around their house to avoid doing any work. Looking back I find myself laughing. The work I was asking them to do would have taken less than 5 minutes if we all worked together and they stalled for a very long time before finally helping — a little bit.

If your child or nieces and nephews have done this then you may have even thought, why can’t they understand that if they would just do this, they can go do what they enjoy? Maybe you have even gotten upset from trying to explain.

The funny thing is that we are just like those little kids, we just don’t realize it.

Have you ever looked at a work project that you needed to do, a book you wanted to write or a even a gym that your doctor said you needed to visit, but you hadn’t listened.

We all do it, and we sit around procrastinating checking our favorite websites, or even looking at Facebook and Instagram to see what our friend just had for lunch that day.

So how do we overcome that?

Decide to simply give it a try that you are going to get the thing done that you are trying to avoid, first.

How much mental energy does it take to avoid things? A lot, it’s almost like a woodpecker continuously pecking at your mind all day.

But when you get the thing done first, the annoying woodpecker goes to sleep and you are able to actually enjoy the rest of your day thing you didn’t the most, you did first?

I started doing this, and it has made all the difference in my life. I even keep a list of what I must do that day before I do my fun things. It includes sales calls, reading a book, spiritual goals, writing my book, drawing, exercising and even playing guitar.

Yes, you may have noticed I have included those things on my list that I desire to get better at, so that I force myself to do them each day — that’s how you get better.

The funny thing is that those things that I used to dread like writing my book, playing my guitar and even drawing have actually become fun.

Give it a try, put the things on a list that you feel will progress your business forward and even the things that you feel would be good for you that you are avoiding and may enjoy it and you will make the impossible, possible.

  • The “It’s Possible” Guy


Remember You’re okay, start doing what’s possible in Your life and you will create miracles!

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