What I Learned From Stray Dogs in Mexico

In Uncategorized by Joseph AndersonLeave a Comment

This weekend I went to Rocky Point, Mexico with a large group of singles. The weather turned out to be pretty good, the resort we stayed at was incredible, and the food was amazing. However as we ate those glorious carne asada tacos, one thing really caught my eye.

If you haven’t been to Mexico, I need to remind you most of these taco shops are outdoors. They have a type of canopy above your head to protect you from some of the elements and even little fences to attempt keeping out unwanted visitors. But many visitors still get through and one of those visitors was what caught my attention on this trip – a dog. Throughout Mexico and many other countries, Dogs run wild through the streets and even make their way into the taco shops. They go around and beg for scraps to survive on…

And this is the insight that I had while I was there. Dogs can be fierce; they can also be playful, but ALL of the Dogs that I saw in Rocky Point had become little tiny beggars. They walked slowly, cautiously with their heads down. They approached people with a sadness in their eyes. They were not fierce, nor were they fun, happy and energetic. They had allowed life to wear them down, and they all looked like life had beaten them. They went around begging for their food almost knowing that they would not get it, instead of walking into the restaurants and taking what they wanted.

Didn’t they know how powerful they were? Didn’t they know if they started growling, barking and running at me that I would be running out of the restaurant faster than you can say the word, “Taco.”

Didn’t the dog also know that if he was playful, and fun or did tricks that he could have gotten me to gladly share my tacos with him.

How had these powerful animals become so weak, and lost their fierceness?

We too like the dogs sometimes go around begging for scraps. We take what is given to us, and don’t fight for more. We have allowed ourselves to feel beaten down into submission by life. And we approach life without energy, excitement, playfulness or joy.

What if we could just remember how powerful we are? Or What if tapped back into that playful energy and joy that we love to see in dogs. I mean come on, if a dog starts playing or rolling over, you can’t help but give it treats, or tacos. And the same for us, when someone has energy you can’t help but want to spend time with them.

You are not beaten down until you think you are. Keep fighting for what you want. Get playful, get creative, have fun!

What would happen in your life if you tapped back into that playful light, energy and joy?

What difference would it make in your life, work, and relationships? When we are focusing on experiencing joy, we find a way to do so. We all have hard days, you don’t have to be perfect.

But just remember that playful, fun, vibrant energy and you will be amazed at how life begins to open up for you.

IF you have allowed yourself to become that docile dog begging for scraps, now is the time to take back control. Yes sometimes you will go after goals that you will fail at and you will learn from it. But isn’t it better to go after what you want and lose a few times then never trying at all.

Now’s the time to begin. Decide what you want and start looking at whats possible. Get creative. Get Playful, and have fun.

Sometimes when clients come to me, they are nervous and hesitant to pursue what they want.  But when they begin to get playful and make a game out of life, they are amazed at what they can accomplish.

And hey if you are struggling to see whats possible in your life, I invite you to contact me and set up a time to sit down and have a chat about getting your spark, joy, excitement and aliveness back, feel free to contact me and lets set up a deep coaching experience that will change your life.

Remember You’re okay, start doing what’s possible in Your life and you will create miracles!

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