How Do You Train an Elephant?

In Uncategorized by Joseph AndersonLeave a Comment

The average weight of an African bush elephant is about 13,000 pounds. They are beautiful powerful creatures.


If they are so powerful, how is it possible that they can be trained for war, travel, circuses and for many other purposes.


The truth is it would be nearly impossible to train a powerful adult elephant to do what you wanted him to do.


However, they do not train giant adult elephants. No, they start long before they are big and powerful feats of nature. They begin when they are just baby elephants. They place a rope on the elephants leg and tether it to a stake. They get used to being tethered to this tiny stake and remain in  in the middle that holds them captive, and they are much easier to train.


However, as the elephant grows bigger and stronger it certainly has the strength to pull the stake out of the ground…but it doesn’t. More importantly – he doesn’t even try to do it.


Why is that? The elephant has been trained for so long that he doesn’t believe he has the power to break free from the stake, and that simple belief keeps him from ripping that stake up from the ground and dragging it around wherever he desires to go and blazing trails as opposed to being used for everyone else’s desires.


In the same way, you were born amazing and powerful. However, as we go through life, we allow ourselves to get tethered to stakes and believe that we are limited. We allow others to use us for their own selfish purposes because we are tethered to the beliefs that others have instilled in us.


What beliefs or thoughts are you allowing to hold you back?


What if you were to realize that all of those things were simply just thoughts. And more importantly what if you realized that at any given moment you could simply let that thought go and remove that rope from your leg and take back your power.


When is the last time that you attempted and even tried to break your thoughts that tether you to a stake and keep you tied down. If it’s been a while, here is a suggestion for you pick one simple thing that you can do that contradicts that thought in your head.


For example if you were told that you could never play guitar and you really want to play guitar, Go out and play or better yet as Van Gogh said


“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint’  then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.”


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