It’s Time To Smash The Glass

In Uncategorized by Joseph AndersonLeave a Comment

Last week, I was having lunch with a good friend that is in the wealth management industry at Genghis Grill. As I was enjoying my spicy chicken, pineapple and rice bowl we got to talking about his life and business. He went on to share that he was currently working long days and that he would do so for the next 10 years or so to build his book of business so that he could have an amazing life then. He went on saying that, If he started out focusing on the smaller clients he could build his book until he could finally get some of the larger fish. 

As I was listening, I had a large plastic cup of water in front of me. I picked it up with both hands and made the motion as If I was going to smash it into the table. I then said, “Imagine that this cup was made of glass and I actually smashed it into the table, what would happen?” Of course he responded that it would shatter and water would go everywhere.

I then shared with him, how his current perspective of working long days and focusing most of his energy on the little fish was okay. However, if he smashed the glass of this perspective that appeared to be real, true and even common in his industry, he would be able to achieve what he wanted quicker and enjoy life now instead of waiting 10 years.

I then asked if he had one super wealthy client that he really wanted to work with. He responded that there was an individual of considerable wealth that he knew, that he would like to work with.  He then even went on to share some strategies of how he could approach this client.

What about you, what is in an area of your life that you are held in by glass walls that could easily be destroyed. What is a perspective, belief or thought that has been holding you back?

No matter what it is, or has been in the past, today you can break free of that.

I want you to take a minute and decide an area of your life that you have allowed yourself to be held hostage behind plastic walls. Now I want you to write it down. Now take a minute and think about that thought holding you back. Remember a thought is just a thought, often times we even call them fleeing thoughts, you don’t have to listen to it.

What is one way you can see that area of your life differently?

If you experienced a miracle in that area of your life overnight, how would you know?

A year from Now where do you want to be in that area of your life?

If you did this, there is a good chance that you see things slightly differently and have begun to smash the glass of whats holding you back.

And that’s really what I do for my clients I help them see their world differently. They are held captive by their thoughts, beliefs and even the expectations of others. Once they begin to see other possibilities, their world shifts and they smash the glass of that plastic prison.

If you are having trouble seeing things differently, contact me and lets set up a coaching session and dive into how you can free yourself from your glass prisons.

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