Are We There Yet?

In Uncategorized by Joseph AndersonLeave a Comment

Do you remember when you were a little kid and would constantly ask your parents, “Are we there yet?” every two minutes?

I think as we get older, we really don’t change that much. We are still asking the same question, “Are we there yet?” or more specifically, “Am I there yet?”

Even before we ask the question, we look around and know that we aren’t there, but we ask the question for some sort of reassurance that we are at least getting warmer instead of colder.

We ask these questions of ourselves and even of Heavenly Father, “Am I there yet? Am I any closer to being married or getting out of this hard thing that I am dealing with?”

Sometimes Heaven can even feel silent. In my life I have found that when I freak out or complain, it is much harder to hear that still small voice. It is constantly trying to provide us reassurance, yet we can’t hear it because we are screaming so loud that we are drowning it out.”

It is that ultimate loving father who, as we are screaming in the backseat, turns around, lovingly pats us on the knee, and says, “No, my child, not yet, but you are getting closer.”

When we really allow ourselves to hear that voice, we feel a calm, peaceful, settled feeling, and we know we are all right. Then for a few moments, we sit back and know that everything is going to be okay, until just moments later doubt begins to creep in. We ask ourselves, ” Why aren’t I getting there faster? What more can I do to get there faster? What am I doing wrong?”

It’s so hard to not ask that question as we are driving through life, when what we want is a righteous and just desire, especially when it feels like we have been traveling for so long and the journey is getting frustrating.

However, what if that journey wasn’t so much like a long car ride, but more like the ride Splash Mountain at Disneyland? You are on your own personalized version of Splash Mountain, and only one person knows all of the turns, attractions, and super awesome drops that you will get to experience. He has prepared it just for you because he knows what is best for you, and he loves you. Regardless of how long you want it to take, it’s going to still take roughly ten minutes, and there is nothing you can do to make it go any faster.

You are safe inside of your hollowed-out log floating down a track. Most often your log just floats down the course freely, not even being tied down to anything. There are a few certain important parts when you do get connected to the track, for example during a huge climb to prepare for the next Super Exciting Drop of life. Other than that, he just lets us float because he made the track and he trusts it. So why can’t we? Why can’t we trust that our course was designed by a loving father that has our best interest at heart? He has designed it with so many amazing things to see, so many amazing people to meet on this path, and of course those Super Cool drops we will get to experience.

Like I said, there is nothing we can do to make ourselves go faster, but there is plenty we can do to make us go slower. We can bang our fist on the log complaining and try to rock it from side to side. We can get out of the boat and go sit on the side of the wall getting upset because the ride is not super-fast. We can even get out and start breaking the cool attractions that have been designed for us. However, when we stay in the log, we do pretty well.

What if we really could understand there is a loving Heavenly Father guiding our lives who knows exactly when we are going to get to our most desired super cool drops when we are ready for them? As for being ready, I think it’s more about the person we are becoming than all the things that we have done on some magical checklist in order to prepare for marriage or that next step.

We spend time each day complaining, worrying, and being frustrated that we aren’t there yet. What if we stopped and began to have more faith and trust in a loving Heavenly Father who knows exactly when we are going to get to that part of the ride, and that his timing, whether we like it or not, is going to ALWAYS be perfect?

Yet being just like little children in our understanding of how everything in this life works, we often don’t have as much patience and faith as we like to pretend we have. We get in the ride on Splash Mountain and start banging our fist on the outside of the log saying, “Why aren’t we there yet?”

Have you ever actually been on this ride? The average wait times are about an hour and a half for a ten minute ride. You waited for this almost ten times as long as you actually ride. Wouldn’t it make sense instead of waiting to get to that really Big Super Drop to just enjoy the entire experience, the really cool attractions, the funny characters, and float peacefully?

You have waited for many years to experience this life on earth. I don’t know the exact amount of time, but let’s say it was a lot. When you waited in line to get on this ride, you understood that you would have some good days, and you would have some hard days. You would have moments in life when you were just slowly drifting aimlessly, and there would be moments that you would be climbing rapidly to be able to experience those awesome super drop parts of life.

What if it were possible for you to enjoy all parts of your life instead of just waiting for the AWESOME SUPER DROPS? Yes, one day you will get married or get whatever other thing you are seeking, but even that will be wonderful some days and challenging other days. Take time to enjoy all the parts of your life, and you will find yourself happily enjoying this journey!

Just Start now, because it’s always better late than never! When you start, you make the impossible, possible!

-The “It’s Possible” Guy


Remember You’re okay, start doing what’s possible in Your life and you will create miracles!

P.S. If this article has blessed your life, please share it! It may be just what someone else needs to hear, and they will thank you for it!

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