How To Be Happy and at Peace in the Midst of Chaos

In Uncategorized by Joseph AndersonLeave a Comment

First off, lets have some fun! Can you Find the leprechaun in the picture above, it’s a bit harder than normal..

In times of uncertainty, what if it were possible to focus on peace and joy instead of fear?

If you have watched the news lately, you may be feeling some fear and anxiety. 

I am one that generally doesn’t touch the news with a twenty-three and a half foot pole.  In my opinion watching the media often is like hanging out in a smoky room. No matter how much you expect to come out smelling like roses — you will always come out smelling like smoke. And this last week I got sucked into that smoky room of the media and hung out even just for a few hours one night. I kept hopping from one story to another related to the groups attempting to create chaos and fear in our lives. And you better believe I sure didn’t come out smelling like roses, I came out covered in thick black smoke.

As I saw many articles meant to cause fear and panic, I began to allow my scary thinking to run a muck in my head.  The more that I watched the news and read the articles on the chaos the scarier my thinking became. I went all the way from the point of asking why this is happening? To ” Am I going to or even willing to defend my home?”

I had delved so deep into what I had heard from the media, that I became so agitated, frustrated and upset and even had some very not so nice thoughts towards the people that were creating the chaos and causing harm. Of course as I attempted to go to sleep, that didn’t work so well and I had a rough time going to sleep. After waking up in a bit of a fog, I wrote out some of my thoughts in what are called morning pages, which is just filling three blank pages with whatever comes to your mind each morning. Next, I found myself praying with much more intent and a desire for peace inside of myself.

After that prayer I was reminded that Heavenly Father was with me, I was also reminded of the story in the Bible in 2 Kings 6: where the prophet Elisha and his servant are surrounded by an army of horses and chariots. The servant is afraid and Elisha tells him…

“Fear not: for they that be with us are  more than they that be with them.”

The servant couldn’t see what Elisha could and so Elisha prayed that his servants eyes would be opened and he saw a mountain full of horses and chariots of fire.

If you are in fear about anything happening in your particular country or the world at large, take heart in knowing that there is a loving Heavenly Father that will protect us until it is our time to go. He will warn us and even direct us through that still small and tiny voice inside that when you listen to will leave you feeling peace.

What does it give us when we turn things over to HIM? It gives us peace, it gives us joy, it gives us hope! We are not meant to live in fear.

We have a choice in times of chaos whether we will choose faith or fear.

If you are fearful about the current world we live in, please remember and understand that the world since its very beginning has been a mixture of good and evil, that is just the nature of the world and always has been. Even right when the world began, Cain killed Abel right off the bat. And since then, there has always been good and evil, which really allows us to choose each day, we will do good or will we do evil. It is our choice. Even if someone invites you do something bad, it is still your choice.

I believe inside each of us we have incredibley good nature, no matter what has happened to each of us, we are all truly good people. Some people have been through a lot of hard things which has made them who they are. As I saw pictures of a few people causing these riots, I could realize that they were probably some of the those that had been outcast in the world. They were looking for a group to belong to and found someone that accepted them for who they were and fell in with the wrong group.

What if we were all just a little kinder to each other, what if we were a bit more understanding? Does it really take that much to give a kind smile or a friendly “Hello” or “Good morning” or even a small compliment?

We don’t have to be best friends with someone to just brighten their day for a moment. The kinder we are to others, the more peace that would be created in the world.

However, regardless of how people have treated you in the past, you still get to choose your future.

There are positive feelings in the world and there are negative feelings in the world, and whatever you choose to focus on is what you will get more of.

There is a beautiful movie called “A Vida Bela” (Life is Beautiful). In the movie a man and his wife go to a concentration camp with their child. The man decides he’s going to make the best out of the situation for his daughter and he makes it into a game for her. If someone in a concentration camp can make a game out of their situation, so can we!

We can’t  choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we respond to what happens to us.

Everything will make sense someday, but probably not today. Maybe something you are going through right now is actually setting you up for something really important in your life…

I was watching, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, last night and there is a part where Bilbo falls down this mountain away from his party. We would think this is a bad thing, but it ends up being really important because it is there that he meets Gollum and gets “the ring”! If he doesn’t fall down that hole, the other 3 books don’t happen! Trust and have faith that whatever is happening in your life right now is perfect and enjoy it like crazy!

You  have no idea, what this chapter of your life has to do with your full book, so stop stressing about it. Allow yourself to see the good, trust in GOD!

It’s important to understand that everyone has scary thoughts that float through their heads just like the sun has clouds that float over it and block out its full light. However, when you understand the nature of clouds you realize that they will just continue floating across the face of the sun until the sun reappears.

Five hundred years ago, Michel de Montaigne said: “My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened.

Most of us worry about things that have never happened.  We worry and worry about bad things happening, and sometimes we even worry about good things, we see things like they are too good to be true.

Focus on the good, the positive, the things that bring you light and joy in your life. Turn off that news, if you need to! The more you focus on the good and what you can do and control the happier and more at peace your will be.

Just Start now, because it’s always better late than never! When you start, you make the impossible, possible!

-The “It’s Possible” Guy


Remember You’re okay, start doing what’s possible in Your life and you will create miracles!

P.S. If this article has blessed your life, please share it! It may be just what someone else needs to hear, and they will thank you for it!

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