walden pond

The Blessings of Heaven Await You!

In Uncategorized by Joseph AndersonLeave a Comment

When Henry David Thoreau spent two years, two months and two days living in a cabin on Walden Pond; he wrote his master work Walden in which he says the following:

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could

not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

― Henry David Thoreau

You and I, may never be given again such an opportunity as we now have to pause and take a moment of reflection. I feel that in the speed of life, we feel like we have to just pick a road and speed down it. But what if we didn’t? What would happen if you slowed down your life, not running from the next thing to the next?

You may be wanting to tell me, Joseph, if I slowed down for even a moment, we would be broke and our family would starve or be out on the street. Sometimes when we are in the middle of a crisis at any point in our lives that is how it feels, but if we get a bit more curious than we realize that we have always been taken care of.

A question I often ask people that are frantic, “Have you ever been without your basic necessities?”

Almost always the answer is no, I have always been taken care of.

Exactly! Heavenly Father always provides!

In the bible in Matthew 6:34 it states, “take therefore no thought for the morrow. For the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.”

Then in Luke 12:27 it says, “consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”

Then in 28 it says, “If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field and to morrow is cast into the over, how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?”

Then in 29 it states, “Seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mindful.”

Then In 30 it states, “Your father knoweth that ye have need of these things.”

In all of these verses the Savior is teaching the message, Stop worrying, stop doubting and start having faith! He says, “Even the lilies are taken care of, and they don’t do any form of work, of course I’m going to take care of you!”

Heavenly Father will take care of you, and when you know that with absolute faith it gives you a foundation to pause and reflect about where you are in your life right now. When you know and realize that are okay and that he is taking care of you, we have just a little bit more peace, and in times of crisis peace is worth its weight in gold.

When you have that peace you can take time to ponder and meditate on the state of your life. If you have never pondered or meditated before, just start by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths and ask yourself powerful questions such as.

“Am I where I really want to be in my life right now?”

“If I were to die tomorrow, would I have completed my life mission?”

“What am I happy about it in my life right now?”

“What am I grateful for in my life right now.”

“Whats one thing I wish I would have done differently 20 years ago?”

When we take the time to pause, and realize that we are okay as we are and we have always been watched over and taken care of by a loving Heavenly Father and we always will be, it helps us to feel comforted, loved and okay.

Heavenly Father allows us to come to him at our own pace, that’s called agency. He has more blessings then we could possibly imagine waiting for us. I want to close this article by sharing a story that I first heard from one of my mentors, Michael Neill, but I don’t know the true origin of the story. It’s called A Room In Heaven

One day a human went to heaven in the way that humans often do. Upon arrival, the human was greeted by a host of angels and given a tour of all of heaven’s wonders. Over the course of the tour, the human noticed there was one room the angels quickly glided past each time they approached.

“What’s in that room?” the human asked.

The angels looked at each other as if they’d been dreading the question. Finally, one of them stepped forward and said kindly, “We’re not allowed to keep you out, but believe us– you don’t want to go in there.”

The human’s mind raced at the thought of what might be contained in that room. What could be so horrible that all the angels of heaven would want to hide it away? The human knew that one should probably take angels at their word, but found it very hard to resist temptation. “After all,” the human thought, “I’m only human.”

Slowly walking toward the room, the human was filled with dread and wonder at what horrors might be about to be revealed. But in fact, the room was filled with the most wonderful things imaginable: a beautiful home; nice things; great wisdom; a happy family; love friends; and riches beyond measure.

Eyes wide, the human turned back to the angels. “But why didn’t you want me to come in here? This room is filled with the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen!”

The angels looked at each other sadly, then back at the human.

“These are all the things you were meant to have while you were on earth, but you never believed you could have them.”

Now pause for a moment and reflect, what would those things be in that room for you?

I believe that Heavenly Father is just waiting to bless our lives, but he can only do so as we do those things which he instructs us to do. Not just in keeping the commandments, but in also keeping those personal commandments that he gives us.

Once again pause and take some to reflect.

What are those things that Heavenly Father has specifically asked or inspired you to do in your life? Maybe it’s start some sort of cause, maybe write a book, or maybe even just simply to serve someone around you.

Remember Heavenly Father desires to bless YOU!!!

I love this quote from Jeffrey R. Holland

“GOD is eagerly waiting for the chance to answer your dreams, just as He always has. But he can’t if you don’t pray, and He can’t if you don’t dream. In short, He can’t if you don’t believe.”

Remember we don’t even have to believe perfectly, we just have to try and he will immediately bless us.

Again take a moment of reflection

What are the blessings that Heavenly Father is trying to give you?

As we take the time to pause and reflect’ we allow the spirit to teach us. “It is in the silence of our minds that we are taught the greatest lessons.”

And then, whatever you have been taught from this article,

Just Start now, because it’s always better late than never! When you start, the make the impossible possible!

-The “It’s Possible” Guy


Remember You’re okay, start doing what’s possible in Your life and you will create miracles!

P.S. If this article has blessed your life, please share it! It may be just what someone else needs to hear, and they will thank you for it!

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