Show UP, Do it THEN You Will Love It!

In Uncategorized by Joseph Anderson1 Comment

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If you read my articles, you may have noticed that I haven’t been writing each and every week as I have wanted to do. Actually it’s been months since I have written. I have plenty of excuses for not doing it, but so does everyone else, so I won’t bore you with my own.

The truth is for me it’s a love and hate relationship with writing. When they are flowing, generally I love them. However, when I am tired or just don’t feel like writing, sometimes times I have to sit and fight my keyboard, like a person wrestling a shoe away from a lion. No matter how I feel in the actual moment of writing, I ALWAYs am happy that I wrote them!

We all face this battle each day, we really want to achieve [insert your big goal here] but each and every day we don’t always feel like doing the [ insert the daily work you need to do to achieve your big goal].

The same way that an elite runner that wants to win a race needs to show up each and every day at 5 am and running in the heat, cold or even rain and snow, we too need to show up and do the work towards our big goals. And on those days that you don’t have the energy or courage to do what you said you were going to do, don’t beat yourselves up just do better the next day! 

Beating yourself up for your past choices never serves anyone.

The truth also is that it just doesn’t matter how hard something is, the more we are consistent at doing it the easier it becomes.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said. “That which we persist in doing becomes easier, not that the nature of the task has changed, but our ability to do it has increased.” It is by doing the thing each and every day that we get better.

In Andre Agassi’s biography he talks about how much he hated practicing tennis each and every day. But he just kept going and going because his dad forced him to every single day — and he became the best in the world, and had a life that many would dream of.

Why do we always want to hear the stories of hardship and triumph? Because we relate to them, we want to hear others stories and know that we too can get through the things that we feel are hard in our lives.

When it feels hard, just keep going!

Anything that we just show up and do everyday, we will get better, at first the improvement is so insignificant that we can’t even see it, but after a while we will begin to see exponential results.

What about all those things that we wish we would have done years ago? Just start now, because it’s always better late than never.

Just like many of you I would love to go back in the past and start things that I wish I would have done, but I can’t and neither can you all we can do is just start now. That is why on my Instagram tv channel TheItspossibleGuy, in a series called Challenge Accepted, I started taking on my own personal challenges in a hope to inspire you to start doing the same!

The first Challenge Accepted that I took on was to Draw 14 Simpsons characthers in one week. This tied to one of the goals, I wanted to complete last year. I had a goal in 2019 to draw all the main 30 Simpsons Characthers, and only done 60% of it. So I decided I would draw those remaining 14 characters in one single week, and I did it.

It took much shorter time than I anticipated. Coming in at 7 days and 10.95 hours… I could have finished it EASILY in 2019 but I didn’t. Maybe it was because I wasn’t focused on it, or because I was focused on too many other things. It would have been great to get it done back in 2019 but I didn’t, I finished it in Feb 2020, and I was thrilled!

When we take on a challenge and beat it, it feels amazing. Just like you feel after competing in an intense basketball game or something.

So start challenging yourself! Start doing the things that you wanted to do eventually. What about you? What’s something that you have wanted to do for years that you haven’t?

Just Start now, because it’s always better late than never! When you start, the make the impossible possible!

-The “It’s Possible” Guy


Remember You’re okay, start doing what’s possible in Your life and you will create miracles!


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