failing calling in life

Failing is How You Get To Where You Are Meant To Be…

In Uncategorized by Joseph AndersonLeave a Comment

Have you ever attempted to achieve a big goal and failed horribly?

I know that I have, so many more times than I can remember, and it is so frustrating. Sometimes it almost feels so much more frustrating that I almost wish I hadn’t set the goal in the first place. I have set the same goal the past quite a few years and have failed horribly every single time.

As I think back to why I have set those goals it has been because I have felt behind for so much of my life. Even if I kept going, I would still be behind where I could have possibly been. This often wore on me, when I was in college I beat myself up for quitting football years before and always dreamed about what could have been? Yes, If I would have practiced every day diligently I probably would have been pretty good, but then again I also could have been one of those horror stories that you hear about that end up seriously injured, I don’t know and will never know.

As I have been thinking about it though, I really believe that Heavenly Father has allowed me to go through so many things in my life to get me where I am right now. No, I didn’t play any sports in high school, I actually spent quite a bit of time playing video games back in high school, and no I wasn’t intending to be a professional video gamer–that wasn’t even a real thing back when I was in high school. I really hadn’t thought about this whole sports for a while, it’s not something I dwell on. However, yesterday, when I was working with two of my nephews on baseball it caused me to reflect. The fact is we make choices, and kind of like those Choose Your Own Adventure books of years ago, we have no idea where they will lead.

So why is that wall spend various amounts of time thinking about what could have been? I know of no faster way to get us frustrated than focusing on all the ways we wish we would have lived our life differently. It doesn’t matter if your 17 or 70, we all wish we would have done a few things different. And the funny thing about all of that is you have no idea if you got what you think you would have wanted were you would have ended up.  By getting what you think you really wanted, you may have missed out on one of the biggest blessings in your life, maybe an excellent relationship; or maybe even meeting your spouse.

We never know where our life would have turned out if we made different choices, unless various television shows we can’t create alternate realities. However, that’s why there is a scripture that comes to my mind that gives me peace.

3 Nephi 18:20

“And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you.”

What I hear in this scripture is that whatever we believe and ask GOD for that is RIGHT it will be given to us…

But the word that sticks out it to me is RIGHT — I believe this means that it is RIGHT for us,  There is a GOD above that knows our path, he knows where we will be happiest and he knows the missions that we are meant to achieve, he even knows the spouse that will make us the happiest… And if what we THINK that we want doesn’t fit into these categories, THEN it isn’t RIGHT for us, no matter how bad we think we want it.

There’s one thing I believe though is that if we are doing the will of our Heavenly Father, then we will be so incredibly happy. But he is ever so patient with each of us, he lets us make the decision that we are ready to turn our lives over to him, and then he blesses us abundantly. Of course we still have trials we still have challenges, that’s  just part of life, but our live becomes so much better than we could ever begin to imagine. When I say turn our will over to heavenly father, I don’t just mean in a spiritual sense. He wants us to be happy in our professions and has a great work to serve his children in our professions– If you let him, he will lead you to what will make you the happiest. There is so much work to do in this world. We need doctors, dentist, physical therapist and countless other professions.

I knew I was going to be a coach since I was 18 and saw it change my life drastically , you can read more of that story on the about page of my website. Yet when I was 23 and even trained, I didn’t know how to do the hard part of actually building a coaching business. So I went to get a traditional Business degree from BYU. Then after that sat around for a while literally doing nothing for almost a year because I knew I wanted to coach but didn’t know how to do it and so I did nothing. And then I started working with a friend selling a discount product. We joined a networking group, and when I introduced myself I briefly mentioned that I did coaching sessions. To my shock and utter surprise, the next day I got a call from a woman from the group but she was not interested in my discount card. She was interested in having me coach her. That discount product never materialized into anything but it did get me into that group where I coached this woman and in 6 months helped her double her business which lead to more interest.

That was in 2013, I went full time in coaching in Jan 2014. When I did tell my networking group that I was becoming a full time coach. There response was the equivalent of “DUH!” Everyone around me knew who I was, they could see it in me, I couldn’t hide what I was really meant to be. However, even I KNEW, I just wasn’t willing to pull the trigger even though in college, for every elective project, I would choose something related to coaching. I was even looking at a past journal,  after giving a college presentation on coaching, I had written something like, “I Just felt this is what I am supposed to be doing with my life.”

How is it that after years of knowing what I was meant to do, I wasn’t doing it? Because IT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE.  How was I a 20 something kid going to start a business? I had no idea, but worse I didn’t take the necessary steps each day. If I would have just called even 10 people a day and invited them to coach with me, I would have just figured it out.

It’s a struggle it’s a challenge, If it was easy, everyone would do it! It took me years to start doing what I was meant to do, but yet I could never let it go, for the 12 years before I became a coach I was a part time coach and would coach people wherever I went.

My question to you is: Are you living what you feel called to do?

If you are not: JUST START NOW, because it’s always better late than never…. Also I am not telling to quit your job, and do this cold turkey, just start spending a few minute a day maybe even 15 minutes on what you feel called to do, and if you really don’t know what you are meant to be doing with you life, then I would invite you to take that same time and doing a bit of reading and learning on what you feel called to do.

And if you still have no idea whatsoever, what you feel you are called to do, take some time to ponder and even pray about it. And then ask yourself, what are your talents? What do you love to do? Start asking those questions and you will discover it.

Just Start now, because it’s always better late than never! When you start, the make the impossible possible!

-The “It’s Possible” Guy


Remember You’re okay, start doing what’s possible in Your life and you will create miracles!

P.S. If this article has blessed your life, please share it! It may be just what someone else needs to hear, and they will thank you for it!

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