If You Want Something, Stop Chasing It…

In Uncategorized by Joseph AndersonLeave a Comment

Yesterday I sat on the deck, with the wind playfully rustling the trees; watching my almost 3 year old nephew, Aussie, play on his swing set. Suddenly, he was distracted from his play as he saw an object dart across the sky like a bullet and perch on the jungle gym about 20 feet from where he was playing. He looked curiously over at the brown object with an orange belly and back up to where I was sitting and said with his happy elf like smile, “Joseph, a bird, a bird.”  Knowing the desires of his tiny mind as he looked longingly towards the bird, I responded, “Aussie, if you chase it, it will fly away.” Yet, with a mischievous look in his eyes and as certainly almost all 3 year old little boys would do, he ran towards that bird and just as I had told him, the bird flew another 10 feet away. With the persistence of a door to door salesman, he kept charging towards that little bird and watched as the bird flew away again this time for good. Austin went back to playing with something else but I reflected on that moment for a bit longer.

Now in the case of my little nephew, I don’t think he wanted to catch the bird. But what if he had? What if he had seen all those Disney videos like Snow White and wanted the bird to land in his little hand and sing to him on cue? Well being the “It’s Possible” guy, of course I had to see if it could even be done. No, I didn’t actually try to get a bird to land in my hand, but after the bit of research, I discovered it is possible to get a bird to come feed out of your hand. It listed quite a few steps which in order to save you your precious time, I would sum up to the following:  You need to patiently cultivate a relationship over time until the bird trust you.

Whatever we chase runs away, and whatever we patiently cultivate tends to stay.

I want you to think about a person that you have chased In your life whether it be in business or a potential relationship.  How did it work out? Is that person still in your life? My guess is that there is a good chance that relationship didn’t workout. Often times when we chase people, instead of just being patient and allowing relationships to be created naturally, we come off desperate, and needy and just like that little bird those people that we wanted in our lives, we send flying for the hills! I have done this on more than one occasion.

However, think on the other hand about a relationship that you cultivated over time and it became an incredible and mutually beneficial relationship that you still look forward to talking to that person.

Which relationships were better? I would say 999 times out of 1000 it would be the ones cultivated over time.

Good things often take time to attract and come into our lives. However, when we are in the thick of feeling that we need something, we put so much pressure on it and take all of the fun out of it, often killing it in the process. However, when we just play and allow relationships to naturally grow and flourish they eventually will. Every relationship really does have a timeline for it to really get to that point where it becomes a powerful relationship, but often times we want to just warp like playing a video game and starting in world 1 and then jumping to world 8.

Life doesn’t work that way, however, if you do want to jump forward your relationships, place attention and detail into them and they will grow exponentially. Genuine, natural care to any relationship is what it takes. Good things can’t often be rushed.

Today’s article is a great example of this, I wanted to include the story at the beginning but after that the article felt really flat. I played with it for hours with countless distractions and just couldn’t get the right message, I finally had to just spend the time necessary and allow the article to come through me instead of forcing it. I am laughing as I write this part, but I sure wasn’t laughing hours ago when I wanted to already be finished with this article.

Yes, I do see the irony writing an article about being patient when I was rushing. The funny thing is the article started out being about just not chasing things and attracting them instead. The creative spirit is a funny thing. I guess heavenly Father likes to remind us even when we feel like we have to be on our “own schedule” that we are on his schedule in all areas of life.

However, the most important thing to remember is when we are allowing things to come through us is PATIENCE.

What if we could allow ourselves to be at peace regardless of how long we feel that something is taking? What if we just allow our life to unfold naturally without freaking out? What if we stopped being desperate for those things in our life that we felt like we had to have in order to be happy?  You can be happy today, with or without what you think that you need in your life. Today I was getting frustrated that I wasn’t going to make my ideal time that I like to post my articles at, but did it really matter?? Was it worth getting frustrated with myself, the creative process or anyone else… of course not the world kept turning, and regardless if you get done what you feel must be done, the world will keep turning. Be a bit more patient with yourselves. Stop forcing and start allowing and your life will unfold into a glorious masterpiece!

Just Start now, because it’s always better late than never! When you start, the make the impossible possible!

-The “It’s Possible” Guy


Remember You’re okay, start doing what’s possible in Your life and you will create miracles!

P.S. If this article has blessed your life, please share it! It may be just what someone else needs to hear, and they will thank you for it!

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