It’s Time For Your Declaration of Independence!

In Uncategorized by Joseph AndersonLeave a Comment

Happy Independence day!

What a great time to become free of your past and begin to the live The It’s Possible Life and make the things happen that you really want to !

In the United States, we celebrate our independence from Great Britain on July 4th each year. It is a huge celebration with fireworks, barbecues, family and friends  in which we celebrate our independence from England back in 1776.

I find it interesting that the 4th of July just so happens to be almost exactly half way through the year, what a perfect day to create your own declaration of independence. Even if the first part of the year hasn’t been very good, you can declare independence from that also and start fresh today.

There come’s a day in our life, when we too get fed up with our past choices, relationships, our current circle of friends, not living our dreams, not going after our goals, or anything else we need to change.

Sometimes our past can feel unsurmountable, we have been creating it for so long that sometimes change seems to be impossible.

America’s story of independence was no different, for many years they had been in a terrible relationship with Britain. Britain heavily taxed and mistreated America. They were the giant bully that felt they could do anything to America.  Britain began to place acts on America that were harsh; just to name a few the currency act, the stamp act, the townshend act, and the tea act.

After these acts which lasted many years, the Colonies became frustrated and decided enough was enough. It was time to fight for what was theirs and declared their independence from their mother land.

Many that first talked about taking on Britain, probably used phrases similar to impossible, treason and certain death. But those little colonies knew that they had to step and fight.

England would have been like the New England Patriots football team playing against the American Colonies, a high school football team. England had the best supplies, and the American Colonies were a rag tag bunch that showed up wearing whatever they had or could find. The odds were completely against the tiny little colonies of America. However, those little tiny colonies had felt called from within to declare their independence from England, and they gave everything they had to fight off those red coats. If you want to read more just look up miracles of the American revolution.

Even tough those tiny colonies felt it was impossible and had no chance, they began doing all the tiny things that were possible. They did everything that they could do, and then the countless miracles occurred. Many from that time period shared how it was an absolute act of GOD that the little tiny America won. Of course, it was through divine providence, Now more than 20 US cities are named providence.

America really had turned the impossible into the its possible.

What is that you are needing to declare independence from? What is the change that you are needing to make? What is the person, thing, or story of your past that you need to declare independence from?

Today, is the day to declare your independence, today is the day that you cut yourself free from the chains that hold you back and begin to take the tiny steps to live the its possible life!

Remember You’re okay, start doing what’s possible in Your life and you will create miracles!

Photo by Alejandro Scaff on Unsplash

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